
Zahradní Ateliér / Garden Atelier



Antonio Zimarino / Italy /


Converse with the heavens, or maybe we are talking about heaven in different languages, through different cultural and artistic experiences that meet each other at an extraordinary exhibition in Bratislava with an inspiring and perhaps somewhat mysterious name. The second, substantially related to the theme of the project today is a man who he is and how it manifests itself in relation to the universe.
I wonder how much we can do about heaven say. His understanding can be manifested in a thousand forms, from a contemplative perspective to the contrary, if not negating attitudes, which cannot talk about the spiritual dimension, not a confessional approach. Heaven can be described as "something above us" or as a reality that accompanies us in life. We agree on many shades of metaphorical and symbolic content, or seek association with concepts of time, space, freedom, or infinity. And so we use the word heaven spontaneously, in relation to matters of everyday observation to light and atmospheric effects, transformations of, or the existential experience of apparent immobility of the dead of night.
Everything is contained in the human relationship to the sky and "communicating" with him concerning the cultural foundation of society. The position of the unattainable, our forces uninfluenced , is a substantial anthropological topics. Infinite space around us can be considered from a certain angle to describe as "something else", but undeniable, a world in which we set in and every day with him struggling. All civilizations during its development reviewed the basic relationship and formulate a new set of semantic and symbolic content associated with it. Communication with "sky" position requires passion, particularly the need to recognize its otherness, whether in the physical sense or nature, or in the plane of the symbol and mystery. However, we cannot avoid touching the ground up, perhaps you can speak of a confrontation with the mystery with a capital "T". All cultures mingle an element of soul-searching, while the sky is a general human experience, that "another world" is not automatic for simple answers. Almost inadvertently happens that in certain extreme situations we are waiting for "inspiration" to "sign from heaven." In recent years, perhaps too embracing to explore distant ends of the universe, though the final answer found there, but still remains before us many things we are not able to influence more just register the various properties such as weight and immateriality, space, light, movement, to the various forces and their interaction. We can perceive the sky as a hypothesis and as a drama with an endless series of new questions marks and great difficulty in finding clear, definitive answers. Perhaps it will eventually be the main knowledge that the very possibility of asking questions is only achievable answer that we live in an attitude of continuous questioning, trying to reach new horizons and tackle other issues that appear in them. I have outlined topics related to their perception of the exhibition and together with researching how to approach them participating artists. Relationship to "heaven" in the sense of another, different world's leading designers in a variety of times to fundamentally reevaluate difficult soul-ties, and their ability to perceive the current level of knowledge about the meaning of life in diversity, the basic meanings and their complex interaction. Undoubtedly the Bratislava exhibition reflects the experience of the environment in which individual artists have grown up, while the general dimensions of the human quest, which includes issues and challenges, interpretation, cultural references, astonished admiration, celebration and contemplation. It belongs to the space under the sky, inhabited by people with their development of civilization and daily efforts to find new ways and new knowledge.

Antonio Zimarino
(Art theorist and publicist, curator of exhibitions)