Horko nad pouští / The heat over the desert



Amelia Cox

Executive Director

Baton Rouge Gallery

Center for contemporary art


"Baton Rouge Gallery was very pleased to collaborate in the International Mini Festival of Art in Music held in collaboration with the Louisiana Sinfonietta.  We are especially pleased to be able to have hosted the exhibit of art work by the Czech artist Vaclav Vaculovic.  His work brought a perspective of universal themes of spirituality and what it means to be human to our walls.  The music and renowned talent of the Louisiana Sinfonietta, led by Dinos Constantinides, always transforms our gallery space into a not just a visual space, but that of live and beautiful chamber sound.  The added additions of guest solo violinist Zdenka Vaculovicova from the Czech Republic and Theofilos Sotiriades, guest saxophonist, from Greece, brought the added international elements to make the festival complete.  Our viewers and patrons were extremely enthusiastic about viewing the work, listening to the performances, and learning about the artists themselves.  The festival brought to Baton Rouge a connection with another part of the world and for that, we are grateful.  We would be honored to participate in future collaborations with this group of artists."