
Grál / Grail

olej, plátno / oil, canvas - 250 x 420 cm

1999 - 2005


„Tato plátna vtahují diváka do víru barev a energie. Věděl jsem, že bych chtěl tyto práce převést do hudby. Příležitost přišla v podobě nabídky Prof. Dinose Constantinidese / Louisiana State University / zkomponovat hudbu pro jeho orchestr  Louisiana Sinfonietta. Zpočátku jsem zamýšlel zhudebnit tři Vaculovičovy obrazy v jediné hudební větě, ale nakonec plátno s názvem Grál zastínilo všechny další. Shledal jsem tuto malbu velmi působivou – na první pohled klidnou, ale s energií vířící pod povrchem. Povznášející - ale nikdy nevyjevující zdroj svého světla, plnou jistoty i nepravděpodobnosti. Tyto kvality jsem zamýšlel zužitkovat ve své vlastní skladbě“.                               

Theodore Wiprud, The New York Philharmonic Orchestra





“These canvases envelop the viewer in a swirl of colour and energy, with just enough clarity to suggest images and movement. I knew right away I would want to treat these works in music, as I have done with similarly overwhelming paintings. The opportunity came when Prof. Dinos Constantinides invited me to compose music for the Louisiana Sinfonietta. I initially thought I would address three Vaculovic paintings in a single movement, but the musical impulses evoked by the painting ‘Grail’ eventually overpowered all the others. I find this painting very moving, initially tranquil but roiling with energy under the surface, lifting one up but never revealing the source of its light; full of both assurance and yearning. These were the qualities I aimed for in my own Grail.”

Theodore Wiprud, The New York Philharmonic Orchestra




Alejandro Argüello – Louisiana State University - Grail


Grail: after the painting of Vaclav Vaculovic by the American composer Theodore Wiprud evoked also a very spiritual meaning to me. It is also my second time as listener of this wonderful work, and also during the first time I had a difficult time grasping the general content of the piece. Now my understanding of the piece is better also because I had direct contact with the art of Mr. Vaculovic at the Baton Rouge Gallery, understanding both art and music in a better way.

Vaclav Vaculovic is a very powerful contemporary artist. His language is full of an abstractionism produced by the combination of the mystical and the earthly. One can see in his paintings the combination of the early tradition of ancient generations and the great technique of a modern master. Theodore Widprud captured the essence of Vaculovic’s art in a very eloquent way. The piece alternated the influences of Vaculovic’s art during the whole composition, creating a very fluent and solid piece of music.        



CHRISTOPHER PROSSER - Theodore Wiprud’s Grail - after the painting by Vaclav Vaculovic


Theodore Wiprud’s Grail after the painting by Vaclav Vaculovic for String Orchestra, very cleverly conjures up images of a search for the Cup of Christ.  His use of different modal sonorities, polyphonic texture, and a very effective rhythmic ostinato beginning in the violin and violas, call to mind the quest of the Knights Templar... The last piece performed before intermission was Karel Husa’s Four Little Pieces for String Orchestra (1995).  “Variazioni,” the title of the first little piece, began with a beautiful melody in the first violin.  The second violins, violas, cellos and basses enter in a fugue like fashion developing the beautiful subject...During intermission, the members of the audience were encouraged to walk around the performing space and observe the many paintings by guest artist Vaclav Vaculovic that were on display...The final piece of the evening was Idyll, by the great Czech composer Leos Janacek.  This four movement work is very typical of early Janacek and employed several folk melodies in a modal style.  It was a perfect ending to wonderful night of music and art with the Louisiana Sinfonietta and the Baton Rouge Gallery."