MA Tommasina Squadrito / Italy /

MA Tommasina Squadrito / Italy / - visual artist Palermo

Calligraphic dock to the tidy city




Forfest 2013



Spiritual Streams in Contemporary Art - Global threat for the art as a cultural phenomenon - the growing threat for the spiritual identity of today man



Calligraphic dock to the tidy city



      Officina Patosq   Wednesday, July 06, 2011 14:45 Hello! 


Dear Zdenka and Vaclav,


I returned Monday night and finally I write ...
how was the Forfest?
I'm happy with my experience ...
how was the exibhition?
Perhaps the dealer gallery did not like a lot ... and I had a good competitor ...

I will write you a few days-
a warm greeting






      Officina Patosq   Sunday, July 10, 2011 12:46 Letter


Dear Zdenka and Vaclav,


I listened and listened and listened and I continued to do so-

the definition of spiritual direction for Forfest perhaps reductive_ perhaps_ more than spiritual?

I think that in the Saint Maurice church of, at the chateau, it was all so, that the definition

it was just something light to orientate towards a concrete sky-

maybe they are still clinging to the rope of the pendulum of Foucault ...

I cannot say with words-

but in the dreams_ after my return_ all of this-

and something in me that makes me misfit in the places where I go:

a sense of exile (Destierro for Maria Zambrano and thank you for having hosted in Forfest to Kromeriz, a real home for soul is hard to find!

Sorry for all the failures, and noise during some performances, I wanted to document for my friends ... again-

thank you for your presence, I remember with affection the garden and fruits red, yellow house hard to forget...





here something of a performance and installation to Sternberk ... but my camera is broken and the pictures aren't beautiful... :







     Forfest   Sunday, July 10, 2011 14,27 Re: Letter


Dear Tommasina – congratulation to your presentation in Sternberk.

Your text sounds as a poetry – could we use it for your festival presentation on our website?


Vaclav and Zdenka


     Officina Patosq   Tuesday, August 02, 2011 11:46 Letter


Hello, Zdenka and Vaclav,


I retard for answer-

sometimes, I have headache and it immediately doesn't pass.

I attach the corrected texts-

Perhaps, what is written in the helping relationship is not worth almost nothing, the memory, the memory is what helps me the most.







     Forfest   Tuesday, August 02, 2011 12:36 Thank you fo r

                                                                                               your inspirational texts


Hello, Tommasina,


We had been abroad for some time – now home again – thank you for your inspirational texts – we will certainly publish your Italy version / in attachment for comparison /And your English text / also: please read it if you have some changes-differences /



Vaclav and Zdenka




     Officina Patosq   Friday, August 05, 2011 12,30 Letter


Dear Zdenka and Vaclav,


I have corrected small things in this 4 files, I hope that all right, the errors is mine.

Monday we go in Spadafora (Messina) near the sea for two weeks. I and Lucio hope to relax in this difficult moment for Italy.









     Officina Patosq   Monday, August 29, 2011 11:17 Lettera


Ciao, Zdenka and Vaclav,


have you spent some beautiful holiday? and your interests and the nature in Kromeriz

I wanted to adjourn you of this (trad. will give life to Palermo?) -by us is intended to be dedicated to improve the city (it is a question that done to me before)- that is inserted in a project more widespread. For my performance I have asked some question, but in effects, people has been accidental with which have found nearby and casually-

I think that are beatiful words-







     Officina Patosq   Monday, January 16, 2012 9:42 Maria

                                                                                                                  Zambrano Station in Palermo



How are you?

I want to introduce you to this: a video a sound performance a reading of Maria Zambrano Station. that he will take place on January 19, day of the birthday of my child Fabio… another step of calligraphy without writing. To Maria Zambrano is headed to the train station in Malaga and this suggestion by the idea of the video dedicated to the steps and the slender men, women, events, hours.




--- From there you can just leave, the arrivals are suspended and already it starts to split the inhabitants. The station has engulfed the city. You can reach the city on foot, by car, by plane, by sea, but the train did not arrive more trains. Even arrivals at airports, ports, by land are thinning. The city is no longer stable... and the sense of soil occupies unusual tones ---

On this occasion, Palermo , is proposed with an improvisation on the flute music of Eva Geraci and Lelio Giannetto, double bass, introduced by a reading of certain texts of exile Zambrano by Giovanna Cossu. Different forms of expression for a possible experience 'Aware' of art with an introduction of Fabio Alfano.















     Forfest   Monday, January 16, 2012 22:27 Re: Comunicato

                                                                                             Stazione Maria Zambrano

Hi Tommasina,

Thank you very much for notice about festival in your text and congratulations to your further activities!



Vaclav and Zdenka




     Forfest   Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:09:33 Deep

                                                                                              mystery of Christmas Days


(But I don't have the image that was anymore)




     Officina Patosq   Saturday, December 22, 2012 23:36 Re:

                                                                                                                   Deep mystery of Christmas Days


Dear Zdenka and Vaclav,


christmas days is very deep deep mystery.......

from deep heaven I send you good wishes.

I sent a letter-

dear greetings






     Forfest   Monday, January 21, 2013 10:57 Colloquy 2013 –

                                                                                              XXIV. FESTIVAL FORFEST CZECH REPUBLIC – 

                                                                                              MA Tommasina Squadrito / Italy /


Dear Tommasina,


We would like to invite you again for this year biennale of our Festival Colloquy 2013 / below announcement /.

It would be very nice to see you here and we hope that this international meeting will be useful also for you. Write us, please, if it would be possible.

Looking forward to your reply and with our best wishes,



Zdenka and Vaclav Vaculovičovi





     Officina Patosq   Tuesday, January 29, 2013 12:15 Re:  

                                                                                                                  Colloquy 2013 - XXIV. FESTIVAL

                                                                                                                  FORFEST CZECH REPUBLIC – MA  

                                                                                                                  Tommasina Squadrito / Italy


dear Zdenka and Vaclav,

I'm happy to hear news from you always.

how are you?

you apologize for the delay, I was not to Palermo here last year we have some problems with my sick mother and then, if possible, I could give you a definite answer at the end of February.

but I know it will not be easy.
I'd like to develop the theme of the report of the last time that, I think, is inscribed you’re your proposal this year, and I'm also elaborate a diary of my in the rep. Czech 2011.

but, for now, an unstable situation and, at times, the memory of those red berries, and garden, and clear the air...

and I thought, not as an idea, to your work in terms of sincerity and tenderness and the human kind perhaps, needs to reapproach him to this.
sincere greetings and happiness




have you received my postcard?


I would like to tell you that I've updated recently




     Officina Patosq   Sunday, March 03, 2013 13,07 Re:

                                                                                                                  XXIV.  FESTIVAL FORFEST CZECH REPUBLIC

                                                                                                                  - Kolokvium / Colloquy 2013 - English below


dear Zdenka and Vaclav,


with deep sorrow I cannot accept your invitation to participate to Colloquy-
this year a series of family matters, besides surmountable, they make me delay so many things.
but I have the memory of the welcome and the clear sky and of the red fruits and of the voice of Zdenka that she reads verses doesn't estrange me from you and that gives me the hope of delicate breaths.
I continue some searches on its way that, as soon as return to Palermo.

I wait for to read the relationships on the interesting matter of this year, on this inside threat to us.

but here a sea that often closes the voice to the soul and the consciousness remains set apart, waiting-
dear regards and sincere wish  for your beatiful work!














     Forfest   Wednesday, March 06, 2013 19:11 We are looking

                                                                                               forward to your visions


Dear Tommasina,


Yes, ii is a pity that you cannot participate this year Colloquium personally – but we are looking forward to your visions and opinion in possible written form – we are going to publish all contributions and it is our hope to read from you many poetical ideas and verbal pictures. Have a nice time and many inspirations to your further creative work – perhaps next time we will see you here…

Best regards and wishes


Vaclav and Zdenka




     Forfest   Thursday, March 28, 2013 22:11 Surrexit Christus

                                                                                               Hodie - Václav a Zdenka Vaculovičovi


Surrexit Christus Hodie


Václav a Zdenka Vaculovičovi




     Officina Patosq   Friday, March 29, 2013 23:28 Re:     

                                                                                                                  Surrexit Christus Hodie - Václav a

                                                                                                                  Zdenka Vaculovičovi


Thank you,
for you too.

an energy flamme that surrexit from sound of the âme-






     Forfest   Sunday, April 28, 2013 15:42 Texts ? – Tommasina

Dear Tommasina – how are you? What is your final decision about eventual text for this year Colloquy? We are looking forward to read / and publish / from you anything….

Vaclav and Zdenka




     Officina Patosq   Tuesday, April 30, 2013 19:02 Text


Dear Vaclav and Zdenka,


this year so many events that don't make me apply a lot-

I think that it is a development of the calligraphy without writing... in this way she manifests.

Many paths insight, without safety for a reality step by step. I apologize me, meanwhile, for this delay and, I hope that you like this brief diary of the our launches Kromeriz-Palermo.

I prepared this writing from some mails that I have found in the server-

Can I have the permission to use them? They are indispensable-
I removed references too personal or to people.

I see it how a continuation of the relationship of help, there a theme to be expounded, here words that weave her and they are recalled without definition. They are layers to discover. It is written but it is  should make to imagine a line that is formed by the first mail to the last one-

So, the threat for the art (and for our ways of life) I hope that they return back. For these words that look for me and that they make me revive, for the words that look for us and that they make us revive, for this magma of impalpable nets that realize new dimensions. For me that I haven’t accustomed to actual dimensions-

And I taken literally some expressions as that inserted for the  image that I don't have anymore in the mail for the wishes  of Nativity or this relationship served as e-mail, writings of one relationship of ours. Don’t I have the image of the Nativity anymore? And the quality of mine that compared with you? Even if all this comes later, to the reflection.

The avatars that I have used are taken from my photos.

Best regards-

Sincerely, your

















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